ADML II Constitution and By-Laws


The ADML II consists of 24 franchises. These franchises utilize the Diamond Mind computer game to play
a pre-determined schedule of assigned games. The results of these games are reported to the league statistician
as well as the opposing franchise manager each month on a timely basis. The results are then compiled on a monthly
basis and distributed to each franchise.


Each member of the ADML II MUST own the Diamond Mind Baseball computer game (latest version) as well as the
Diamond Mind Baseball player disk that the season is based upon. The latest version will be used if it has been available
for at least three months prior to the beginning of the ADMLII season.


The ADML II exists for the enjoyment and sportsmanship of its members. It is intended to supply an outlet for fellowship, fairness, and competitiveness.



The ADML II consists of 24 members, with each member having responsibility for the prompt and conscientious management of
the obligations of their franchise.
The ADML II is governed by a commissioner who grants and revokes franchises, resolves disputes, and conducts all league business.

The commissioner has complete and final authority.


The 24 franchises are divided into 2 conferences. Each conference consists of 12 franchises, divided into 2 divisions.


Each franchise maintains a roster of players, utilizing these players to instruct other franchises in the playing of all away series as well as utilizing them in the playing of all home series. Each home franchise reports the statistical results of these series to the league statistician as well as the visiting franchise.


Regular season play will begin April 1st and end September 20.

Each team will play 158 games.

The Diamond Mind Computer Manager will be used for visiting teams.

The manager profile for visiting teams must reach the home team manager by the 1st of each month.

All home games must be played and reported to both the statistician and all visiting managers by the 20th of each month.


Team rosters may have between 40 and 60 players.

No more than 2 players on a team's roster may be unrated by DMB called NRs. See below for explanation of NRs.

If a team has any unrated players, their maximum roster size is 40.

If a team has no unrated players, they may have up to 60 players on their roster.

Rosters can never go above the limits set above. Therefore once the draft is complete you cannot make a trade where you get 2 players and only give up 1. Unless you did not draft to the max.

Teams rosters must have sufficient batting and pitching resources to cover the 158 game schedule. Sufficient resources would be 158 starts, approximately 600 at-bats per position, and approximately 300 relief appearances.

Of the players on a team's roster, 27 are designated as active for each series. The 27 players designated as active, may differ from series to series. During September only, up to 40 players may be designated as active for each series. The players designated as active in September must remain the same for all September series. This means that no more than 40 different players may be used in September.

Less than 40 players may be designated as active for any September series.

All teams must cut to 27 players. Cuts are due one week after the player disk in distributed. The players released via this cut will be available in the next rookie draft.


Explaining NRs: 

1. An NR is a player who played anywhere professionally in the USA during the just completed    season..

2. An NR is also a player who played during a previous season and may have been retained on a roster due to injury or suspension. This player will not count toward your limit of 2. He will be designated NRX.

3. If an NRX is cut after being retained he is not draftable unless he is drafted as an NR. And is only draftable as an NR if he played somewhere in North America during the just completed season.


All batters are limited to 110% of actual PA's.

All starting pitchers are limited to 110% actual game starts and all other pitchers are limited to 110% of BF

A pitcher with no games started may not start a game.

A pitcher who has both starts and relief appearances CANNOT USE ALL OF THEIR RELIEF APPEARANCES AS STARTS!

Example: Actual starts = 20. May be used for 20 starts or 40 relief appearances. May also be used for any number of his starts and whatever is unused double as relief appearances.  So if he has 20 actual starts and is used for 10 he may be used for 20 relief appearances.

All batters with at least 24 actual plate appearances must be used for at least 50% of their actual PA's or they will be released from their team and made available in the next rookie draft.

All pitchers who pitched 16 or more major league innings must be used for at least 25% of their actual Innings Pitched or they will be released from their team and made available in the next rookie draft.


When a manager joins our league in mid-season they are required to keep the Stadium as well as the Team Name of the team they take over, for
the remainder of the season. Beginning the next season they are free to choose another Stadium from all available stadiums and change their
team name. An available stadium is one which is either not in use or one that has not already been selected by three (3) ADML II teams. When
a manager joins the league at the beginning of the season he is free to choose a stadium using the same criteria as above. He is also free to
change his team name provided the one he picks is not currently in use. Managers currently in the league can change stadiums under the same
rules as above, however, once you pick a stadium you are required to keep it for 3 full seasons, unless that stadium is retired in the
Major Leagues. If a Major League stadium is retired from active service the ADML II team that has that stadium will be required to pick a
new one under the same guidelines as above and must keep it for 3 seasons.


A rookie draft will be held each year via either email. The draft will begin no earlier than December 15th and end no later than February 28th.

Players eligible to be selected in the ADML II rookie draft include:

Any player rated by DMB not on an ADML II roster.

Roster size is capped at 40 if you have drafted any NRs. See explanation above for definition of NR. Therefore once you reach 40, any draft picks you have remaining will be forfeited.

Any player who in the most recent season has played in the U.S. minor or major leagues and is not on an ADML II roster.

The team drafting order of the first round will be in reverse order of overall W-L record with the exception of the 3 teams with the worst W-L records. The drafting position of these 3 teams will be determined by an "NBA style" lottery. The team with the worst W-L record will have 3
chances in the lottery, the team with the 2nd worst W-L record will have 2 chances, and the team with the 3rd worst W-L record will have 1 chance.

The team drafting order of all subsequent rounds will be in reverse order of overall W-L record for the 3 teams with the worst record.

All ties are broken by, in order, head to head play (if applicable), worse home record, or coin flip.

Playoff teams will be placed in positions starting at pick 17 depending upon record and where they are eliminated from the playoffs.
First round losers will draft from 17 - 20
Second round losers will draft 21 and 22
World Series loser will draft 23rd
World Series winner will draft 24th
The above numbers are only applicable if there are no penalties for loss of 1st round pick.


Regular season:

All league games are played using the DH.

Manager profiles must reach each home team manager by the 1st of each month.

After each series, from the Tools Menu do a Reset Player Usage and select Entire League leaving Reset Usage and Reset Injuries checked.

DO NOT zero out stats!

Series results must reach each visiting team manager by the 20th of each month.

In addition to their opponents, visiting managers should send, via email, a copy of their manager profiles to the league commissioner. This will help resolve any disputes that may arise and also enable the commissioner to forward the profile if needed.

The Export Database Function under Transfer is never to be used by anyone other than the commissioner of statistician.

Monthly stats MUST reach the league commissioner or his designee by the 20th of each month.


27 Active players. The same 27 for each series.

All playoff series will consist of 7 games.

All playoff games will be played using the DH.

There will be one day of "rest" between games #2 and #3 and games #5 and #6.

Injury setting is none.

A player's fatigue rating DOES NOT carry over from series to series.

The first round will be between the 1st place finishers in each division, and the next two teams with the best record that are not division winners in their respective
conferences. The division winner with the best record will play the Wildcard with the worst record and division winners will have the home field advantage.
in a 2-3-2 format.

First round ties will be broken based upon HTH play.

The second round will be between the winners of the first round.

The team with the highest seasonal winning percentage will have the home field advantage in a 2-3-2 format.

The World Series will be between conference winners. The team with the highest seasonal winning percentage will have the home field
advantage in a 2-3-2 format.

Once the first two games of a playoff series are finished, that home manager will send the game export of those games played to both his opponent and the league commissioner as well as the Statistician. The manager for the next three games in the series will import the file to continue the series. When the next three games in the series are completed, that home manager will send the export of those games played to both his opponent and the league commissioner and the Statistician. If games 6 and/or 7 are necessary, they will be played by the home manager
importing that file. Once a playoff series is completed, the home manager that played the final game is responsible for sending the export to both his opponent and the league commissioner and the Statistician.

If a playoff series is played face to face, only one export needs to be sent to the commissioner.

Playoff Player Usage:

To be eligible to start a playoff game, a pitcher must have made 10 or more ADML II league starts during the season.

Any starting pitcher needs at least 2 games rest between starts. However, if that pitcher is still rated as TIRED, he must pitch
at that rating.

Injury setting is set to NONE

All players will be allowed 7% of their actual MLB PA's, or BFs per playoff series. After which he will be downgraded by the DMB game.


The trading period starts once the ADMLII World Series is completed thru March 20th.

All trades must be reported by both managers to the commissioner.

Only draft choices for the NEXT season may be traded, after the draft is completed picks for the next season can be traded.

Effective 2020 – Trading will be allowed during the season until the July results db is sent out. All trades must be reported and confirmed by both managers.

All trades are subject to the approval of the commissioner.

WARNING: Once a trade is reported involving a pick from next year the receiving manager is subject to any penalties incurred by the sending manager. I know this is unfair but let the buyer beware.

The only exception is that the new owner will never lose the first round pick altogether, it will be lowered 24 positions.


Overuse of players will be handled by the game. Once a player has gone beyond 110% the game will downgrade him.

For EACH game started of overuse PER PITCHER, a team will have 5 games added to their final victory total.


Since late series results affect the entire league, late series results to the commissioner will be penalized as follows:

1st late: team's 2nd Round draft pick lowered to the bottom of the round
2nd late: team's 1st Round draft pick lowered to the bottom of the round
3rd late: team's 1st Round pick is lost


Late series results to visiting managers:
These will be dealt with on an individual basis by the commissioner.

Penalty notes:

1. All penalties for a team will be null and void if that manager quits or is dropped from the league. A new manager should not be burdened with something they had no control of.
2. If a manager takes over a team after the draft has ended he will not be subject to penalty for overuse during that season. Unless in the opinion of the Commissioner no effort was made to stay within limits.


A player rated in the OF may play any OF position.
Other than the OF rule above, players may only play positions at which they are rated by DMB.

Once the draft is complete during the trading period you will be allowed unlimited drop/add requests on a first come first served basis.

 During the season each team will have the ability to drop/add. All players dropped are lost and the players added are lost at the end of the season. Requests must be made prior to the end of the current month, to be implemented for the start of the next month. Two databases will be issued for the new month. The first will include the cumulative results of the season. The second database issued two day later will contain any drop/adds requested. Once the second database is issued no drop/adds will be allowed until the end of that month. Multiple claims on the same player will be applied on a first come/first served basis. Any player(s) claimed that still remain with that team will be released at the end of the season.

 You cannot make the changes yourself as it will cause your profiles to not be loaded. Also it will on a first come first served basis. All requests would be sent to the commissioner and the stat man.

Any rule proposal change which needs to be voted on will require 2/3 of the league to vote yes for it to pass

Updated 11/14/20